Deep Learning on Implicit Neural Representations of Shapes
ICLR 2023

* denotes equal contribution
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI)
University of Bologna, Italy


Overview of our framework

Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have emerged in the last few years as a powerful tool to encode continuously a variety of different signals like images, videos, audio and 3D shapes. When applied to 3D shapes, INRs allow to overcome the fragmentation and shortcomings of the popular discrete representations used so far. Yet, considering that INRs consist in neural networks, it is not clear whether and how it may be possible to feed them into deep learning pipelines aimed at solving a downstream task. In this paper, we put forward this research problem and propose inr2vec, a framework that can compute a compact latent representation for an input INR in a single inference pass. We verify that inr2vec can embed effectively the 3D shapes represented by the input INRs and show how the produced embeddings can be fed into deep learning pipelines to solve several tasks by processing exclusively INRs.


Our framework, dubbed \({\tt inr2vec}\), is composed of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder is designed to take as input the weights of an INR and produce a compact embedding that encodes all the relevant information of the input INR. A first challenge in designing an encoder for INRs consists in defining how the encoder should ingest the weights as input, since processing naively all the weights would require a huge amount of memory. Following standard practice, we consider INRs composed of several hidden layers, each one with \(H\) nodes, i.e., the linear transformation between two consecutive layers is parameterized by a matrix of weights \(\mathbf{W}_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times H}\) and a vector of biases \(\mathbf{b}_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times 1}\). Thus, stacking \(\mathbf{W}_{i}\) and \({\mathbf{b}_{i}}^T\), the mapping between two consecutive layers can be represented by a single matrix \(\mathbf{P}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{(H+1) \times H}\). For an INR composed of \(L + 1\) hidden layers, we consider the \(L\) linear transformations between them. Hence, stacking all the \(L\) matrices \(\mathbf{P}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{(H+1) \times H}, i=1,\dots,L\), between the hidden layers we obtain a single matrix \(\mathbf{P}\in \mathbb{R}^{L(H+1) \times H}\), that we use to represent the INR in input to \({\tt inr2vec}\) encoder. We discard the input and output layers in our formulation as they feature different dimensionality and their use does not change \({\tt inr2vec}\) performance (additional details in the paper). The \({\tt inr2vec}\) encoder is designed with a simple architecture, consisting of a series of linear layers with batch norm and ReLU non-linearity followed by final max pooling. At each stage, the input matrix is transformed by one linear layer, that applies the same weights to each row of the matrix. The final max pooling compresses all the rows into a single one, obtaining the desired embedding.

inr2vec encoder

In order to guide the \({\tt inr2vec}\) encoder to produce meaningful embeddings, we first note that we are not interested in encoding the values of the input weights in the embeddings produced by our framework, but, rather, in storing information about the 3D shape represented by the input INR. For this reason, we supervise the decoder to replicate the function approximated by the input INR instead of directly reproducing its weights, as it would be the case in a standard auto-encoder formulation. In particular, during training, we adopt an implicit decoder which takes in input the embeddings produced by the encoder and decodes the input INRs from them. After the overall framework has been trained end to end, the frozen encoder can be used to compute embeddings of unseen INRs with a single forward pass while the implicit decoder can be used, if needed, to reconstruct the discrete representation given an embedding.

inr2vec framework

In the following figure we compare 3D shapes reconstructed from INRs unseen during training with those reconstructed by the \({\tt inr2vec}\) decoder starting from the latent codes yielded by the encoder. We visualize point clouds with 8192 points, meshes reconstructed by marching cubes from a grid with resolution \(128^3\) and voxels with resolution \(64^3\). We note that, though our embedding is dramatically more compact than the original INR, the reconstructed shape resembles the ground-truth with a good level of detail.

inr2vec reconstructions

Moreover, we linearly interpolate between the embeddings produced by \({\tt inr2vec}\) from two input shapes and show the shapes reconstructed from the interpolated embeddings. The results presented in the next figure highlight that the latent space learned by \({\tt inr2vec}\) enables smooth interpolations between shapes represented as INRs.

inr2vec interpolations


We first evaluate the feasibility of using \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings of INRs to solve tasks usually tackled by representation learning, and we select 3D retrieval as a benchmark. Quantitative results, reported in the following table, show that, while there is an average gap of 1.8 mAP with PointNet++, \({\tt inr2vec}\) is able to match, and in some cases even surpass, the performance of the other baselines.


We then address the problem of classifying point clouds, meshes and voxel grids. Despite the different nature of the discrete representations taken into account, \({\tt inr2vec}\) allows us to perform shape classification on INRs embeddings by the very same downstream network architecture, i.e., a simple fully connected classifier consisting of three layers with 1024, 512 and 128 features. The results reported in the next table show that \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings deliver classification accuracy close to the specialized baselines across all the considered datasets, regardless of the original discrete representation of the shapes in each dataset. Remarkably, our framework allows us to apply the same simple classification architecture on all the considered input modalities, in stark contrast with all the baselines that are highly specialized for each modality, exploit inductive biases specific to each such modality and cannot be deployed on representations different from those they were designed for.


While the tasks of retrieval and classification concern the possibility of using \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings as a compact proxy for the global information of the input shapes, with the task of point cloud part segmentation we aim at investigating whether \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings can be used also to assess upon local properties of shapes. The part segmentation task consists in predicting a semantic label for each point of a given cloud. We tackle this problem by training a decoder similar to that used to train our framework (see left part of the following figure). Such decoder is fed with the \({\tt inr2vec}\) embedding of the INR representing the input cloud, concatenated with the coordinate of a 3D query, and it is trained to predict the label of the query point. Qualitative results reported in the right part of the figure show the possibility of performing also a local discriminative task as challenging as part segmentation based on the task-agnostic embeddings produced by \({\tt inr2vec}\).

part segmentation

We also address the task of shape generation in an adversarial setting to investigate whether the compact representations produced by our framework can be adopted also as medium for the output of deep learning pipelines. For this purpose, as depicted in the next figure, we train a Latent-GAN to generate embeddings indistinguishable from those produced by \({\tt inr2vec}\) starting from random noise. The generated embeddings can then be decoded into discrete representations with the implicit decoder exploited during \({\tt inr2vec}\) training. Since our framework is agnostic w.r.t. the original discrete representation of shapes used to fit INRs, we can train Latent-GANs with embeddings representing point clouds or meshes based on the same identical protocol and architecture (two simple fully connected networks as generator and discriminator). In the following figure, we show some samples generated with the described procedure, comparing them with SP-GAN for what concerns point clouds and Occupancy Networks (VAE formulation) for meshes. The shapes generated with our Latent-GAN trained only on \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings seem comparable to those produced by the considered baselines, in terms of both diversity and richness of details.

shape generation

Finally we consider the possibility of learning a mapping between two distinct latent spaces produced by our framework for two separate datasets of INRs, based on a \(\textit{transfer}\) function designed to operate on \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings as both input and output data. Such transfer function can be realized by a simple fully connected network that maps the input embedding into the output one and is trained by a standard MSE loss. Here, we apply this idea to two tasks. Firstly, we address point cloud completion by learning a mapping from \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings of INRs that represent incomplete clouds to embeddings associated with complete clouds. Then, we tackle the task of surface reconstruction on ShapeNet cars, training the transfer function to map \({\tt inr2vec}\) embeddings representing point clouds into embeddings that can be decoded into meshes. As we can appreciate from the samples reported in the figure, the transfer function can learn an effective mapping between \({\tt inr2vec}\) latent spaces. Indeed, by processing exclusively INRs embedding, we can obtain output shapes that are highly compatible with the input ones whilst preserving the distinctive details, like the pointy wing of the airplane or the flap of the first car.


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    title = {Deep Learning on Implicit Neural Representations of Shapes},
    author = {De Luigi, Luca 
              and Cardace, Adriano 
              and Spezialetti, Riccardo 
              and Zama Ramirez, Pierluigi 
              and Salti, Samuele
              and Di Stefano, Luigi},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
    year = {2023}